サイケ音が鳴ってる所にはどこでも出現する船長。 Partyの事になると少年の様にVibesが上がるVic Viper。
2015年夏、Ozora Festivalで衝撃を受けサイケの大冒険に出航! 2018年、日本のパーティーで「パイレーツ・クレープ」出店。
2019年、Vic ViperとしてDJ活動開始。
VIC VIPER船長の海賊船に乗っとれぃ!
The captain appears wherever psychedelic sounds are heard. Vic Viper’s vibes go up like a boy when it comes to partying.
When he was in his 20s, he started going crazy at free parties in France, including Teknival.
In the 2000s, he participated in MC battles and hip-hop compilations as MC Tansokin, mainly in Osaka.
In the summer of 2015, he was astonished at Ozora Festival and set sail on a great psychedelic adventure!
In 2018, he started “Pirates Crepe” stall at parties in Japan.
Started DJing as Vic Viper in 2019.
Since 2020, based in Okinawa and Tokyo, he first organized “Okinawa High Festival” with Mandala Crew in 2021.
He’s been organizing “OKINAWA PIRATES GATHERING” every April since 2022.
As a DJ, he enjoyes making mix full of night groove and psychedelic sounds, while challenging various genres.
Get on captain Vic Viper’s pirate ship!