eIKLLeR (和刻/Shamanism Rec)

尺八奏者の祖父と、The Beatlesの熱狂的ファンの母からくる音楽好きを受け継ぎ10代の頃、地元、熊本でハードコアバンドで活動。その後、Dark Psychedelic Tranceに出会い、そのねじれた音と深い世界にどっぷりと浸かる。 2010年、関東へ移住し、2012’関東老舗DarkpsyCrew”和刻”へ参入。 2013’より楽曲制作をスタート。半年後に初のLIVEでステージに立つ。 海外では、2016’11月、初のリリースでCompilation Albumに参加。 2017’にはスリランカのATMAN FESTIVALでプレイを納め、2023’ドイツのシークレットパーティーでプレイ。 “キマる音”をテーマに、自分の聴いてきた音楽のルーツ、良いと思う音、グルーヴををボーダレスに曲へ打ち込んでいる。 現在1st ALBUM制作中。

Eikiller directly inherited his passion for music from his grandfather, a shakuhachi (Japanese flute) master, and his mother, a Beatles’ fanatic. He became musically active himself in his teens as a member of a hardcore band in Kumamoto, Japan. After his first encounter with Dark Psychedelic Trance, he completely immersed himself into its deep and twisted sounds. Moving to Kanto region in 2010, he joined the long established Japanese darkpsy crew “和刻 – Wakoku” in 2012. He started producing his own tracks in 2013, quickly followed by his first live 6 months later. Also active outside of Japan, he participated in a Compilation Album which included his first release in 2016. In 2017, he played at ATMAN FESTIVAL in Sri Lanka, and continues to release songs through labels in various countries to this day. With “wild and frenzied” as a theme, he continuously devotes himself to a borderless groove with sounds that define him and commemorate his musical roots. Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/eikiller Facebook https://www.facebook.com/eikiller/?fref=ts Instagram https://instagram.com/eikiller?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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