HiEND (曼陀羅-MaNDaLa-.和刻.Digital Hippie)


その後 シーンを一旦退きreggaeなど多彩な音楽を聴きながら仲間達と奔放な毎日を過ごす。 近年のPsy Tranceのクオリティーと親友である Yuji-ledesma などのDJに触発され 再びPsychedelicに開眼。


HiEND started his career as a DJ in 2009 during the heyday of Trance.

After that, he left the scene and spent his free time with his friends listening to various music such as reggae. Inspired by the quality of Psy Trance and DJs such as his good friend Yuji-ledesma, he opened his eyes to Psychedelic music again.

His sound is a thick attack and groovy bass line with a tricky top note that cuts through the space and makes the floor soar.

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